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WNDE LLP volunteer at Orange County Rescue Mission


Thirty White Nelson Diehl Evans LLP (WNDE), the accounting and tax services firm based in Southern California, recently volunteered at theOrange County Rescue Mission - a Tustin non-profit that serves the community’s homeless and helps them attain self-sufficiency. 

All levels of staff participated, including three partners:  Steve Combs, Mark von Rotz and Brian Wilterink.

The Mission is located near the WNDE Irvine headquarters. Volunteers were split into smaller groups to help with various projects, including dinner prep, organizing donated clothing, sorting donated food and washing windows and sports equipment.

WNDE staff memberAdair Poullath, who helped arrange WNDE’s visit, stated, “It was great to learn how the Mission is making a difference in the lives of those less fortunate.”

The Rescue Mission helps the homeless in areas such as guidance, counseling, education, job training, shelter, food, clothing, health care and independent living communities. About 200 individuals live at the Tustin location.

Adair noted that in addition to volunteering, WNDE held a food drive among office staff and brought a large quantity of canned food to donate.

For more on WDNE, head to their site here


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