AT Think

Blogging in Academia

Who wouldn't want to peer into the minds of the people who hold enormous influence over the accounting profession's future?

No, I'm not talking about young CPAs.

It's the teachers of those who eventually end up becoming CPAs, the tenders of those seedlings that will be sprouting flowers and freshening up the garden of the profession.

After all, it's the accounting professors who will be teaching the future generation all about International Financial Accounting Standards [IFRS], which by now, we all realize is coming sooner than later. It's the accounting professors who can see the demographic changing before anyone else, as they watch diversity come alive in their classroom. And, of course, it's the accounting professor who has her/his finger on the pulse of what sparks debate and what areas are popular among today's accounting students.

To start your academic blogroll, check out "The Summa" a blog created by Bowling Green


University accounting professor David Albrecht. Albrecht's site, interestingly enough, makes it very clear by symbolism that he supports US GAAP and not IFRS (you'll have to check it out yourself to see what I mean).

The purpose of the blog, according to Albrecht, is to serve as an outlet for his thoughts on higher education in general and accounting education in particular, financial accounting and its regulations and lastly, accounting humor and accounting movies. He updates the site three times a week with topics such as how to ace your accounting classes, how the financial bailout is depicted in popular culture and why accounting professors should blog.

Are you blogging? Tell Accounting Tomorrow what you are writing about and don't' forget to send the link to us at

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