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Cornell University to launch new accounting master's degree in Fall 2017

Cornell University will launch a new master’s degree in accounting, dubbed the "Master of Professional Studies in Management," at the Samuel Curtis Johnson Graduate School of Management in Fall 2017, the Cornell Chroniclereports.

The new degree will represent a one-year program allowing students to begin in either spring or fall semesters. The program will offer upper-level accounting courses at the college’s three schools: Johnson, the School of Hotel Administration and the Charles H. Dyson School of Applied Economics and Management.

“The demand for the program is clear,” said John “Jack” Little, professor of practice at the Dyson School and director of the new program, per a statement. “Frankly, I am tired of writing recommendation letters for my fantastic accounting students that send them off to get a master’s degree in accounting at other universities when we can meet that need right here.”

The program offers the master’s degree to students as they prepare for exams to become CPAs, CMAs, or CFAs, Little said.

“We will help students from any area of study choose classes to meet their career objectives. We’re going to be laser-focused on career prep,” Little added. “I can easily place 20 to 25 more qualified students with Big Four firms. Corporate employers and financial institutions want students with a strong focus on accounting as well.”

For more on the Samuel Curtis Johnson Graduate School, head to Cornell'ssite here.

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