AT Think

Get With the Program, Buddy

Someone hasn't been reading Accounting Tomorrow

Baby Boomers are apparently the only generation who talk about intergenerational issues, at least, according to one director of a human resources professionals association in Canada. Let's hope the members of his association don't also think this way.

Claude Balthazard, director, of HR excellence and acting registrar for the Human Resources Professionals Association, was quoted on saying that not only are Boomers responsible for keeping up the cross-generational dialogue, but that generational issues within companies are not new. His perspective? New generations have always entered the workforce and companies have always had to cope.

And the focus is always on the differences, according to Balthazard.

"To sell books, people focus on the differences, which is much more entertaining than talking about the similarities," he said. "But, if you talk to people in the field they will say: 'Talent is talent; good managers are good managers'. In every generation there are workers that you would like to see in your organization and others you would not. As managers, it's the same basic good management skills that are what you have to bring to the fore to handle this situation."

Still, must he generalize a whole demographic of people?

"I have never seen a Millennial or Gen Xers give a presentation or talk on what these issues look like from their perspective," said Balthazard. "It seems to be mostly Boomers that are concerned about the relationship between generations."

Mr. Balthazard will be hearing from us.

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