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Our fifth Tax Stat for May looks at how busy the folks at IRS Criminal Investigation have been ...
A recent report from IRS - Criminal Investigation shows a busy bunch, who are investigating, prosecuting and sentencing more tax criminals than before, while maintaining a success rate (those cases sent to prison) of around 81.5 percent.
The Pew Research Center did a survey of taxpayers just before Tax Day that found that a third of taxpayers actually liked (and even loved) filing their taxes -- and then asked them why.

Source: Pew Research Center

The Pew Research Center also asked the two thirds of taxpayers who disliked or hated filing why they felt that way.

Source: Pew Research Center

The Pew Research Center survey also found that the numbers of who likes and who doesn't like paying their taxes do shift depending on income bracket.

Source: Pew Research Center

This map, based on data from the Tax Foundation, shows states with the highest and lowest tax collections per capita for 2011. The figures don't include local income taxes (pity those poor New Yorkers ...).

A few state peculiarities worth noting: Alaska, which isn't shown, has no income tax, while Tennessee and New Hampshire only have a limited income tax on investment income. And Hawaii, which also isn't shown, ranks No. 18 overall, at $911.

Source: The Tax Foundation