EY announces three-year partnership with NFTE

Big Four firm Ernst & Young announced this week a three-year partnership with the Network for Teaching Entrepreneurship, an international nonprofit focused on professional training for at-risk youth.

With the firm's Equity Investor-level sponsorship of the organization, EY intends to grow the number of volunteer service hours for its staff members.

"At EY, we know entrepreneurs and innovators drive economic growth,” stated David Jolley, EY Americas growth markets leader. “Entrepreneurial thinkers are key to building a better working world and, ultimately, to creating a more vibrant and inclusive society. That’s why we are so committed to NFTE’s mission. When we help young people activate their entrepreneurial mindset, we’re setting them up for success in business and in life. That’s good for all of us.”

"Deepening our longstanding relationship makes sense on every level," said Shawn Osborne, president and CEO of NFTE, in a statement. "EY has supported NFTE for almost 20 years now. It's through their generous support that we have been able to develop our Entrepreneurial Mindset Index. We're also grateful for the tremendous personal commitment EY people make to NFTE. Every year their people step up, giving thousands of volunteer hours to coach NFTE students on their business plans and pitches, serve as expert judges at NFTE competitions, and as board members across the country. EY people are making a real difference in the lives of young people through skills-based volunteering and mentoring.”

EY will continue to sponsor a number of NFTE events, including:

  • The NFTE Youth Entrepreneurship Challenge Series, a "Shark Tank" style competition with local, regional and national rounds featuring approximately 20,000 students per year;
  • NFTE World Series of Innovation, an online competition that sees young people from around the world solve modern business challenges aligned with the UN Sustainable Development Goals;
  • EY Connect Day, the firm's national day of service, will focus this year on NFTE students and help them develop concepts for the World Series of Innovation;
  • NFTE's Entrepreneurial Mindset Index, an assessment tool designed to measure an entrepreneurial mindset, as well as EMI-related joint papers and presentations at national conferences.

For more on the partnership, head to EY's site here.

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Corporate philanthropy EY