Taxpayer Assistance Centers add Saturday hours

The IRS wants some weekend face time.

The service has added special Saturday hours at many Taxpayer Assistance Centers nationwide, in what it bills part of a larger effort for this year’s tax season. IRS employees will be on-hand to field questions about tax bills, audits or other tax problems or offer referrals for help. Taxpayer Advocate Service employees may also be available to assist with some issues that meet certain criteria.

Select TACs will be open for in-person help from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. on Feb. 12, March 12, April 9 and May 14. No appointments are required.

To see which TACs will be open, visit “IRS Face-to-Face Saturday Help.”

“The IRS continues to do everything we can to help people during this unprecedented period,” said IRS Commissioner Chuck Rettig in a statement. “Opening these assistance centers for special Saturday hours is designed to provide yet another way for people to get the help they need. We encourage people to review the details on these special Saturday hours so we can help serve them. I’m also extremely grateful to our employees who have stepped up to provide this special assistance.”

People can receive walk-in help on all services, though the TACs will not accept cash payments on these Saturdays. The IRS site lists services provided at specific TACs.

Later appointments will be scheduled for deaf or hard of hearing individuals who need sign language interpreter services. Foreign language interpreters will also be available.

The IRS follows pandemic safety guidelines, and availability may change without notice. Visitors must wear face masks and social distance at these centers.

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IRS Tax season