AT Think

The Obama Effect

Inspired by the incoming administration, specialized accountants are listed among the most wanted new jobs, according to one career Web site.

Jobfox, an online career site, released its prediction of new job trends propelled by President-elect Barack Obama and his economic stimulus policies.

The Obama administration has said it will "hit the ground running" with what experts project to be a $700 billion job stimulus package. The new administration's goals are to create or save 2.5 million jobs over the next two years.

The most wanted jobs, according to Jobfox, listed by major Obama initiatives include:

Greater Oversight of Financial Markets Key Jobs:

1) Compliance accountants

2) Internal auditors

3) Tax accountants

4) Government regulators

Construction of Roads, Bridges, Transit and Rural Broadband Key Jobs:

1) Construction managers

2) Project managers

3) Civil engineers

4) Computer-aided drafting specialists

5) Telecommunications engineers

Energy Independence Key Jobs:

1) Electrical engineers

2) Mechanical engineers

3) Power grid managers

4) Biofuels chemists

5) Sales and Marketing

Healthcare Modernization Key Jobs:

1) Nurses

2) Information technology specialists

3) Bioinformatics specialists

4) Information security specialists

5) Software developers

Volunteerism and Community Involvement Key Jobs

1) Social workers

2) Administrators

3) Translators

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