AT Think

Here’s a Bright Idea – and a Bad Joke

How many seniors does it take tochange a light bulb? It only takes one, but it can be a lot more rewarding ifit takes two – a senior and a youth, a grandparent and a grandchild, an “acorn”and an “oak.”

An acorn and an oak? That’s a newone, at least for me.

I found this article in the Creston News Advertiser – and while it doesn’t say anything refreshinglynew about intergenerational dynamics, its heart is in the right place and Icouldn’t resist sharing it.

Intergenerational activities increasecooperation, interaction and exchange between people of different generations,according to the article, which cites Generations United, the country’s only membership organization promotingintergenerational public policies, strategies and programs.

The article suggests environmentalactivities to bridge generations that are geared towards children and olderfolks – not exactly our Accounting Tomorrow audience – but relevant just the same.These activities can be recycling newspapers, cans and glass; planting flowers,trees or shrubs; purchasing or making a reusable cloth bag to hold purchaseswhile shopping; or changing out incandescent light bulbs to compact fluorescentlight bulbs.

For youth and children, activitiestogether can enhance social skills, improve academic performance, decrease druguse and increase stability, according the article. For older adults theseactivities can enhance socialization, stimulate learning, increase emotionalsupport and improve health.

And here’s the kicker:

When the two generations team up tohelp the environment, it’s a win win for everyone (insert the collective“awwww” here). Young and old can gain a greater sense not only about how theenvironment is relevant and of vital importance to their well-being, but alsohow it contributes to the well-being of their family, community and world.

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