AT Think

Pennsylvania CPA Journal Goes Mobile

The Pennsylvania Institute of CPAs has begun publishing a mobile version of its venerable magazine, the Pennsylvania CPA Journal.

The new mobile app, available at, gives PICPA members access to the Journal in a format that they can read whenever and wherever they want.

The app is available for the iPad, iPhone and Android devices. A Kindle Fire version will soon will be added to the list.

“The PICPA continues to respond to the explosive growth of mobile technology by creating this new app. As more people access information and services via mobile device, we felt this would help us optimize our mobile presence and give our members more choices,” said PICPA executive director Michael Colgan in a statement.

The new app includes several online enhancements not available in the print publication, including audio and video bonuses, keyword search for points of interest, and options that allow for sharing via Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and more. Issues dating back to winter 2010 will also be available to app users.

The Pennsylvania CPA Journal is published on a quarterly basis and has more than 21,000 subscribers. There is also a digital version of the Journal available on the PICPA Web site at

The PICPA, which is the second oldest state CPA organization in the U.S. and dates back to 1897, plans to continue publishing the print version of the magazine. But the new mobile app gives its readers a new way to access its content.

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