Accounting and Finance Workers Most Optimistic in '04

It's good to be ... an accountant? Apparently, plenty of accountants out there think so.

Accounting and finance workers were the most optimistic towards the employment market overall in 2004, compared to workers in other sectors including information technology, manufacturing and health care, according to staffing firm Hudson.

Hudson, which gauges workers' confidence towards the job market across all industries via a monthly employment index, noted that accounting and finance workers consistently reported greater optimism towards their personal finances than workers nationally, and were more confident about positive hiring plans in their respective firms and less concerned about losing their jobs during 2004.

Hudson's index of accounting and finance workers posted an annual average of 114.4 during 2004, outpacing three other sector indices for health care, IT and manufacturing. The Accounting and Finance Employment Index posted the highest sector reading in seven of 11 months this year, and consistently surpassed the national Hudson Employment Index, which averaged 106.3 over the past twelve months.

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