CPA execs feel more upbeat about economy

Business leaders who are also CPAs have become more optimistic about revenue and profit expectations this year, though they still harbor concerns about the overall economy, according to a new survey.

The quarterly AICPA & CIMA Economic Outlook Survey, released Thursday by the Association of International Certified Professional Accountants and the Chartered Institute of Management Accountants, polled a group of 438 CEOs, CFOs, controllers and other CPAs in executive and senior management accounting roles between Feb. 7 and March 1. It found their overall outlook in the first quarter of  this year has improved since the 13-year low found by the survey in the fourth quarter of 2022. The hiring outlook also appears to be steady among the respondents, though they're still worried about a possible recession sometime this year.

However, optimism is still not high among many of the executives polled. Only 23% expressed optimism about the prospects for the U.S. economy over the next 12 months. But that's still better than the fourth quarter, when only 12% of the respondents felt that way, the lowest level since early 2009.

Inflation, rising interest rates and geopolitical concerns are all contributing to the pessimistic outlook, with 90% of survey respondents indicating they're concerned about recessionary impacts.

AICPA building in Durham, N.C.

Despite those worries, many indicators are trending up this quarter, with business executives anticipating slight profit growth of 0.6% over the next 12 months, a reversal from the either negative or zero growth expectations over the past two quarters. Similarly, 12-month revenue growth projections are recovering, increasing from an expected 2.1% rate in the fourth quarter of 2022 to 2.6% in the first quarter of 2023.

Business executives who expressed optimism about their own companies' prospects over the next 12 months increased from 35% to 47%, quarter over quarter. Over half the executives polled (52%) now expect their companies to expand at least slightly over the next 12 months, up from 47% last quarter. Businesses with over a billion in revenue led this category by a healthy margin, with 68% expecting expansion.

The U.S. hiring picture is also looking good, despite some softening. Less than half (45%) of the executives polled believe they have the right number of employees, up from 39% last quarter. Moreover, 9% of the business executives surveyed said they had too many employees, an uptick of a single percentage point from last quarter.

"While hiring demands may be cooling a bit, we're not seeing widespread layoffs — most companies are looking to interim strategies to protect their workforce options," said Tom Hood, executive vice president for business engagement and growth at the AICPA and CIMA, in a statement. "In fact, a third of business executives say they're looking to hire immediately, while 'availability of skilled personnel' continues to be a top concern from the survey. This illustrates the unique pressures companies have been under the past year, with so much uncertainty clouding financial modeling."

Nearly one-third of executives polled (32%) indicated they're taking steps to reduce staffing costs. Approximately 17% have instituted hiring freezes and ended recruitment for open jobs. Other strategies, used to a lesser extent, include layoffs, reduced shifts or hours of operation, and increased outsourcing.

The 12-month outlook on the global economy also improved among the respondents, with those expressing pessimism declining from 72% in Q4 2022 to 48% in Q1 2023. Inflation was the top concern of business executives for the sixth quarter in a row. "Availability of skilled personnel" and "employee and benefit costs" flipped places and are now the No. 2 and 3 challenges, respectively.

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