IRS aims to help more taxpayers virtually

The IRS Office of Chief Counsel has embarked on what it calls “its most far-reaching” Virtual Settlement Days program this month.

Settlement Days events look to resolve cases in the Tax Court by providing taxpayers who are not represented by counsel with free tax advice from Low Income Taxpayer Clinics, American Bar Association volunteer attorneys and other pro bono organizations. Volunteers will be available in all states and the District of Columbia.

This year’s VSD program includes locations where these events have never been, including: Albuquerque, New Mexico; Billings, Montana; Buffalo, New York; Cheyenne, Wyoming; Cleveland; Denver; Des Moines, Iowa; Indianapolis; Little Rock, Arkansas; Milwaukee; Nashville, Tennessee; Peoria, Illinois; Omaha, Nebraska; Reno, Nevada; Sacramento, California; San Diego; and San Jose, California.

Last year, the pandemic forced the program to shift to a virtual format. Virtual options are an addition to traditional IRS methods of communication with taxpayers and “enable the IRS to deliver meaningful resolution options to taxpayers as the nation works through the pandemic,” said IRS Commissioner Chuck Rettig, in a statement.

Taxpayers can also discuss their Tax Court cases and related tax issues with members of the Office of Chief Counsel, the IRS Independent Office of Appeals and IRS Collection representatives. IRS Collection personnel will discuss payment alternatives.

For those who choose to take their cases to court, the VSD process can give taxpayers a better understanding of what information they need to present to the court. Taxpayer Advocate Service employees also participate in VSDs to assist taxpayers with tax issues attributable to non-docketed years.

Since last year, the IRS and LITCs have used the events to help more than 259 taxpayers resolve Tax Court cases without going to trial.

The IRS proactively identifies and reaches out to taxpayers with Tax Court cases who appear most suitable for this settlement day approach and encourages taxpayers with active Tax Court cases to contact the assigned chief counsel attorney or paralegal about the March events. LITCs can contact their local chief counsel offices about the event for their area.

Taxpayers can call (312) 368-8604 for more information.

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