National Alliance of Tax Business Owners Founded

Richmond, Va. (Jan. 7, 2004) -- The newly founded National Alliance of Tax Business Owners is attempting to organize independent tax businesses to compete more successfully with national firms. The nonprofit business league has been organized by Chuck McCabe, president of Richmond, Va.-based Peoples Income Tax Inc. 

NATBO is not designed to compete with existing tax and accounting professional associations, according to McCabe, but to satisfy the needs of independent tax business owners.   "We'll be trying to help independent business tax owners have more of a voice, and we'll bring together the shared intellectual capital of our members to come up with best practices," he said.

"A common objective of NATBO members will be to design a new tax business model that will be viable for the next decade and beyond," said McCabe.  "NATBO will also facilitate invaluable peer support for tax business CEOs to help one another deal with common business issues and concerns that only fellow CEOs can fully understand. And NATBO will be 'the voice of independent tax business owners' to address the interests of its members with the Internal Revenue Service and other government bodies." 

"There is a saturated and shrinking market as more people are enabled to use IRS-linked resources, the way the Free File Alliance evolved," he said.  "But from a competitive standpoint, Free File is pretty much locked into a relatively few firms that are software developers.  That means that all independent tax preparers are locked out.  That's why we need an independent voice and a new business model."

-- Roger Russell

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