AT Think

The Crimson Reasons for Intergenerational Conflict

Why do we misunderstand each other in the workplace?

One Harvard Business Review columnist gives us her four reasons why – each centered around team activities.

• Choosing where and when to work
• Communicating among team members
• Getting together
• Finding information or learning new things

Acknowledging that many of us are employed in companies or firms with colleagues spanning three or four generations, Tammy Erickson rightfully warns her readers, "the possibility that we'll misunderstand another team member's behavior is high. It's easy to form a hasty and incorrect impression of someone from another generation."

Particularly of interest is what she writes about how each generation schedules meetings. Boomers and X-ers are planners and schedulers. Gen Y-ers are coordinators. To many Y-ers, the extent of scheduling that goes on in most workplaces today seems "stultifying and inefficient."

Read more here.

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